
Grounding grid design of 132/11 kV transmission substation with vertical ground rods

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This paper presents grounding grid design of 132/11 kV transmission substation with vertical ground rods. The soil resistivity is modeled as a uniform model. The preliminary design shows that the mesh voltage is exceeding the tolerable touch voltage. Therefore, a modification is necessary to improve the safety of the substation.

Design #2 is constructed by adding a crushed-rock protective surface layer and 60 ground rods with 3m long along the periphery. The result shows that the mesh and step voltage is lower than the tolerable values. The analytical calculation is then compared to computer simulation using ETAP Grounding Grid System. It shows a similarities between analytical calculation and computer simulation. However, because of the difference between mesh voltage and the tolerable touch voltage is very small, design #2 still needs to be improved.

The improvement design called design #3 is constructed using unequally spaced horizontal grid conductors with Optimum Compression Ratio (OCR) are analyzed analytically then the results are compared to ETAP simulation. Only 32 rods is used which consisted by 4 rods in the corner with 5m long and 28 rods along the periphery. The result shows significant improvement in mesh voltage and step voltage. Hence, design #3 is a safe and effective solution. It also have been estimated that the total cost material required for design #3 is USD 42,100.

Simplified probability risk assessment is calculated to support the design. Individual risk calculation implies that design #3 is safe because it has no risk of ventricular fibrillation in the vicinity of the substation.

The safety of people in and around high voltage substations is of primary concern when evaluating the performance of a substation grounding grid system. The risk arises as a result of rise of earth potential during power system earth fault conditions. The magnitude of the earth return fault current at power frequency can range from a few kA up to several tens of kA, and the earth potential rise can be as high as several tens of kV even with low magnitude earth impedances in the range of 0.05 Ω to 1 Ω.

In the past, grounding systems were designed to achieve earth resistances below a specified value. Current practice, however, dictates that such grounding systems are designed to control step, touch and mesh voltages within and around the electric Baca entri selengkapnya »

Tim IF STEI mengalahkan 1941 tim lain di IEEEXtreme 6.0 Global Programming Competition 2012

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Mahasiswa Informatika STEI ITB yang tergabung dalam Tim Dongskar Pedongi menjuarai lomba IEEExtreme 24-hour Programming Competition. Tim Dongskar Pedongi ini terdiri Ronny Kaluge (IF’08), Irvan Jahja (IF’09) dan Chistianto Handojo (IF’10). Selain Tim Dongskar Pedongi, STEI ITB juga diwakili oleh tim lain yang terdiri atas Reinhard Dennis (IF’09), Edwin Lunando (IF’09), dan Jordan Fernando (IF’0910).

Pengumuman pemenang dapat dilihat di halaman ini. IEEExtreme 24-hour Programming Competition merupakan lomba pemrograman antar universitas tingkat internasional. Setiap universitas mengirimkan tim yang terdiri dari 3 orang. Tim-tim dari berbagai universitas di dunia ini diadu untuk mengerjakan soal-soal pemrograman selama 24 jam. Kompetisi tahun ini merupakan kompetisi yang keenam yang sudah diselenggarakan. Pemenang pertama kompetisi tahun ini mendapat kehormatan untuk menghadiri sebuah konferensi IEEE yang diselenggarakan di mana saja dengan biaya yang ditanggung oleh IEEE. Dongskar Pedongi menjadi pemenang pertama setelah mengalahkan sebanyak 1941 tim dari berbagai universitas di dunia.

Ini merupakan prestasi yang membanggakan bagi Informatika STEI ITB. Selamat kepada Dongskar Pedongi dan semoga makin banyak mahasiswa Informatika STEI ITB mengharumkan nama ITB di kancah internasional.

Berikut daftar pemenang dalam kompetisi tersebut (download)


Kampanye “Stop Korban Gempa Sekarang !”

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Sehubungan dengan makin sering terjadinya gempa bumi di Indonesia yang masih
menimbulkan korban jiwa dan harta sampai saat ini,

ESRC (Engineering Software Research Centre) akan mengadakan kampanye
“Stop Korban Gempa Sekarang !” dengan kegiatan sbb:

1. Penyebaran poster “Stop Korban Gempa Sekarang !”

2. Kampanye penggunaan bahan bangunan ringan untuk Rumah Tinggal
(Baja Ringan, Bambu, Kayu, B-Panel, dsb)

3. Pelatihan dan penyebaran Software SANSPRO Gratis untuk Disain
Bangunan Tahan Gempa  (, khususnya untuk daerah
dekat pusat gempa,
daerah dengan potensi gempa besar, gempa vertikal, liquefaction, land
sliding, tsunami, dsb.
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[Solved] Dynamic shape not updating

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Question :


I have a problem with dynamic shape on my board.

dynamic shapes on the board not updating even they are not voiding from any where. shape fill type is smooth and I try to update it from Display>Status>update dynamic shapes but error msg occured

“1 dynamic shape is still out of date or empty.  Run Out of date shapes Report from status dialog to identify them.”

I also try to DB doctor my pcb but not working. In the starting shape was fine Error occured suddenly I didnt know how it happens.

previously I have this problem and I resolved it by chance by removing internal plane layers from Xsection and again defined them. but I know this is not a proper solution.

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[Solved]SPB Shell License problem

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This is not a cracked release, you can look at it as a ‘distribution’.
This info/trick was published on another forum to get this application to work, either or not you purchased it. The only 2 thing
1) A rooted phone is a must.
2) Any terminal app

Open any Terminal app, and after installing (but not opening) the app:
pm disable com.spb.shell3d/

To re-enable the app if it has disabled itself due to licensing:
pm enable com.spb.shell3d/
best way to use this app just freeze market app by titanium backup

Cara Membuat Keyboard Shortcut di Cadence PCB editor

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Buat temen2 yang pasti nya sering make Cadence, biasa ngaktifin tombol add connect pake apa?kalo copy?kalo move?kalo delete..kalo??

kalo biasanya pake mouse, Saya juga udah nyoba sebelumnya dan rasanya cm satu tangan yang gerak, ntar jempol kiri iri karena jempol kanan lebih gede, hehehe

Saya barusan nyoba ngoprek si cadence trus nemu cara buat ngedit keyboard shortcut nya

caranya agak ribet dikit

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Analisis Mengenai Windows 8

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Ketika saya membaca postingan ini, wow.. Saya cukup salut dengan niatan microsoft untuk membuat OS yang bisa berjalan di tablet. Saya jadi kepikiran beberapa hal :

Bagaimana desain GUI windows 8 nanti?

Apakah desain untuk tablet dan PC/laptop akan berbeda?

Bagaimana sisi keamanannya?

Nanti software yang ada sekarang compatible ga ya?

itu adalah sekelumit pikiran-pikiranku soal OS Windows 8 nya Microsoft yang rencana nya akan dirilis tahun 2012. wahh bentar lagi ya, padahal rasanya windows 7 baru saja keluar dan masih banyak orang yang belum pindah ke OS ini. di kantor saya pun rata-rata masih lebih nyaman menggunakan windows XP karena dirasa lebih familiar.

Saya melakukan sedikit googling dan analisis sederhana untuk memuaskan rasa keingintahuan pribadi. Hasil googling dan analisis itu saya uraikan di point-point di bawah ini.

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HDMI Design Guidelines : Layer Stack-up, Differential Pair

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This article presents design guidelines for helping users of HDMI mux-repeaters to maximise the device’s full performance through careful printed circuit board (PCB) design. We’ll explain important concepts of some main aspects of high-speed PCB design with recommendations.
This discussion will cover layer stack, differential traces, controlled impedance transmission
lines, discontinuities, routing guidelines, reference planes, vias and decoupling capacitors.

Layer stack

The pin-out of a HDMI mux-repeater is tailored for the design in HDTV receiver circuits (see Picture below). Each side of the package provides a HDMI port, featuring four differential TMDS signal pairs, thus resulting in three input and one output port. The remaining signals comprise the supply rails, Vcc and ground, and lower speed signals such as the I2C interface, Hotplug-detect and the mux-selector pins.

FIG 1. The device pin-out is tailored for HDTV receiver applications

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[Photoshop]Mosaic Technique

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aku belajar sekitar seminggu-an buat nyari literatur dan bahan foto, akhirnya bisa juga bikin gambar pake mosaic technique ini

senangnya saya, hehehe

LINUX:Mengubah CHMOD secara recursive khusus untuk file atau directory

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Mungkin hal ini sering sekali kita perlukan.  Saya sendiri sering sekali membutuhkan ini ketika perlu merubah chmod atau permission sebuah webhost dengan kasus hanya perlu merubah pemission file atau directorynya saja.

Untuk melakukannya sebenarnya gampang-gampang saja. Perhatikan struktur perintah berikut:

find . -type [tipe-yang-diinginkan] -exec chmod [permission-yang-diinginkan] {} \;

Ok, lanjut.

Nah sekarnag kan kita ingin untuk merubah khusus file atau directory saja.  Perhatikan pada contoh berikut ini akan:

  • Merubah khusus file saja:
    find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
  • Merubah khusus directory saja:
    find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

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