
Ads : Faber Castell – Girl with a Pearl Earring

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Saya pagi ini buka iklan ini. Kagum..

gimana ya dia bisa ngegambar kayak gini. luar biasa visualisasi nya


Tekwan Enak di Bandung

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Buatt orang Palembang pasti tau makanan satu ini, namanya tekwan. Kalau ditanya makanannya seperti apa/ liat gambar di atas aja, hahaha

tekwan itu bisa dibilang bakso tapi pake daging ikan. Sebenernya kurang pas dibilang seperti itu, tapi gapapalah. Tekwan itu dibuat dengan pentol yang berbahan daging ikan  dengan tambahan sedikit tepung sagu. sedang kuahnya menggunakan kaldu udang yang diberi bumbu khas tekwan dan aksesoris seperti jamur kuping dan bunga sedap malam, mantap lah. Salah satu makanan favorit aku.

Nah buat temen-temen orang Palembang pecinta pempek yang tinggal di Bandung atau temen-temnku yang juga doyan makan pempek dan tekwan. Aku nemu tempat makan tekwan dan pempek enak di bandung. Lokasinya ada di Car Free Day Dago tiap hari minggu, standnya di depan FO JetSet. Harga tekwan disana Rp 10.000 per porsi, pempek kapal selam nya juga segituan kayaknya, hehehe

sebenernya aku dah tau lama tempat ini, cuma belum sempet bantu ngepromosiin di blog aja, biar ngetestnya lama ceritanya. so buat yang ngidam pempek dan tekwan, hari minggu maen-maen aja ke Car Free Day di Dago. Itung-itung olahraga. Selamat mencicipi..

Hidup hanya 6 Jam tapi Menyelamatkan 2 Nyawa

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Kisah berikut ini dikutip dari buku “Gifts From The Heart for Women”
karangan Karen Kingsbury. Inti ceritanya kira-kira sbb :

Adapasangan suami isteri yang sudah hidup beberapa lama tetapi belum mempunyai keturunan. Sejak 10 tahun yang lalu, sang istri terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan untuk menentang ABORSI,karena menurut pandangannya, aborsi berarti membunuh seorang bayi.

Setelah bertahun-tahun berumah-tangga, akhirnya sang istri hamil, sehingga pasangan tersebut sangat bahagia. Mereka menyebarkan kabar baik ini kepada famili, teman-teman dan sahabat-sahabat, serta lingkungan sekitarnya. Semua orang ikut bersukacita dengan mereka. Dokter menemukan bayi kembar dalam perutnya, seorang bayi laki-laki dan perempuan. Tetapi setelah beberapa bulan, sesuatu yang buruk terjadi. Bayi perempuan mengalami kelainan, dan ia mungkin tidak bisa hidup sampai masa kelahiran tiba. Dan kondisinya juga dapat mempengaruhi kondisi bayi laki-laki. Jadi dokter menyarankan untuk dilakukan aborsi, demi untuk sang ibu dan bayi laki2 nya.

Baca entri selengkapnya »

Soal-Soal Logika [Edisi 2]

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Soalnya buatan Departemen Pendidikan Irlandia lho..


hampir semua orang yang ngerjain ini jawabannya salah, gimana dengan kamu??

I will reveal the answer after 50 people answer this question, hehehe

Abstrak : Pengembangan Desa Cipangeran dengan Radio Komunitas Berbasis Pemuda

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Pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan oleh tim penulis yang berasal dari lembaga Radio Kampus ITB terhadap desa Cipangeran di kecamatan Batu Jajar membawa tim penulis sampai pada kesimpulan sementara bahwa pengoperasian radio komunitas dalam desa tersebut dapat mengembangkan segala potensi yang dimiliki. Yang dimaksud dengan radio komunitas dalam hal ini adalah media informasi radio yang beroperasi dari, oleh dan untuk masyarakat komunitas tersebut. Baca entri selengkapnya »

Berbagi Gurita Cikeas, atau yang bahasa jepangnya tako cikeas,hahaha

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“apakah penyertaan modal sementara yang berjumlah Rp 6,7 triliun itu ada yang
bocor atau tidak sesuai dengan peruntukannya?  Bahkan berkembang pula desas‐
desus, rumor, atau tegasnya fitnah, yang mengatakan bahwa sebagian dana itu
dirancang untuk dialirkan ke dana kampanye Partai Demokrat dan Capres SBY;
fitnah yang sungguh kejam dan sangat menyakitkan.

….  sejauh mana para pengelola Bank Century yang melakukan tindakan pidana
diproses secara hukum, termasuk bagaimana akhirnya dana penyertaan modal
sementara itu dapat kembali ke negara?”

buat temen2 yang suka baca koran atau nonton berita

harusnya dah tau soal gurita cikeas yang menghebohkan sekarang

buku yang katanya mengupas tentang teori manupulasi keuangan yang dibuat pemerintahan SBY soal Bank Century

langsung aja

silakan download kalo mau

Baca entri selengkapnya »

Novel-Novel seri TWILIGHT

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lagi iseng-iseng nyari, gara2 nonton filmnya TWILIGHT. Aku nemuin kumpulan novel serial nya TWILIGHT, ternyata ada 4 novel serialnya, Oh ya, kalo belum tau, yang nulis btu novel STEPHANIE MEYER. keren lo novelnya, lebih keren dari filmnya..

nih buat yang mau






nb: untuk seorang adek dan teman baruku, selamat membaca!!

Belajar Marketing Yuk!!

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A.I.D.A. – Attention . Interest . Desire . Action

A.I.D.A: A Simple Tool to Improve Your Advertising

If you’ve been involved with sales or marketing for a while you might recognize this acronym.


It’s a time-tested effective way to get greater response from your marketing. Plus it’s easy to use and it doesn’t cost extra!


The first job of any marketing message is to get the ATTENTION of the prospective customer. Whether you are using print advertising, direct mail, radio, TV or personal networking, your goal is the same. Get their attention so you have an opportunity to deliver your message.

Whatever you use to get your prospective customer to stop and pay attention, it should meet some criteria.

Your headline (or other type of attention-getter) should be:

*Relevant to your marketing message
*In good taste (however you define good taste)

Some ways to get people’s attention:

*Ask a question
*Cite a statistic or fact
*Make an offer
*Use a testimonial
*Make a declaration or statement


“$9.95 Oil Change”

This is simple and to the point. Easy to understand.

“We Sell Houses Fast”

Again, simple and direct. This will appeal to people who want to sell their house quickly.

“Dr. Smith got rid of my back pain in one visit!”

A testimonial from a satisfied customer is a great way to promote professional services.

“Garage and Basement Overflowing?”

A question like this will resonate with people who have garages or basements that are full (or their spouses!). They read or hear it and will subconsciously answer “yes” making them a good candidate for any business that can help them empty their garage or basement.

Remember – your headline (or other attention-getting device) is not supposed to sell your product or service. The job of your attention-getter is to get people to stop and pay ATTENTION to the rest of your message. So, keep it simple and on point and you’ll have better results.


Now, after getting your reader’s attention, you should follow-up with enough information to encourage people to continue reading.

This part of your ad should either persuade, inform or both.

It should follow logically from your headline. It should expand the idea or message of your headline. It could provide more details or supporting information. Or it could help demonstrate your expertise and therefore build your credibility in the eyes of the reader.

One of the best ways to develop interest from your reader or listener is to tell them what you can do for them. Talk in terms of their needs and how they might benefit from doing business with you.

The most important thing to remember is that at this stage, you need to give them a good reason to continue reading or listening. Make it worth their time.


Once you have your reader’s or listener’s attention and they are interested in your business, then you need to give them a reason to want to contact you. This is the DESIRE stage.

Some ways to generate desire:

-Demonstrate your credibility
-Offer a bonus or incentive
-Lower the buyer’s risk of doing business with you
-Offer a testimonial or case study of results
-Show how your product or service might help them

Think of why your current or past customers have done business with you. What was it that “sealed the deal”, that made them call or stop by? If you’re not sure, ask them!

Give your prospect something to make them want to call you rather than “the other guys”. Think about your strengths as we defined them in Part One of this article (see our March 2004 newsletter).

Your strengths are what enable you to offer something no one else does. By communicating this to potential customers you give them a good reason to do business with you rather than someone else.


This is the easiest part. Once you have gotten your reader or listener this far, you need to tell them clearly and simply what the next step is and give them a good reason for taking it. You create a Call to Action.

A common call to action is a time-limited offer. Or you could offer a bonus if they “call today”. The simplest call to action is just “Call 952-555-1212 today”.

If your business uses informational tools such as reports or free classes, then a call to action might be “Call for more information” or “Call to register for a free seminar”.

Some businesses use coupons for their call to action.

TIP: Read advertisements from other businesses and industries to see how they create a call to action. Then adjust it to fit your business.


Attention – Get the reader or listener to stop and pay attention to your message.

Interest – Give them enough information so they develop an interest in what you can do for them.

Desire – Make an offer they can’t refuse or show them why you’re so good that they wouldn’t think of doing business elsewhere.

Action – Get them to take action now by calling or stopping by.

Final Thoughts

The A.I.D.A. formula is an easy and effective way to add power and impact to your marketing pieces. By using it throughout your advertising you can substantially increase the return on your marketing activities – at no extra cost.

Kevin Stirtz
Coffee News Twin Cities LLC

Copyright 2004 Kevin Stirtz

How to Ask Your Professor for a Letter of Recommendation Via Email

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  1. Prepare to send your email request at least 5-6 weeks before the date by which the recommendation must be received. Don’t wait until the last minute to ask them. They lead busy lives, and you don’t want them to rush through your recommendation, if they can even make the time to write it.
  2. Choose an appropriate professor. Before you choose which professor to ask for a recommendation, ask yourself:
    • Does this professor know my name?
    • Have I ever spoken to this professor outside of class?
    • Did this professor give me a grade of ‘B’ or higher in the course?
    • Have I taken more than one course with this professor?

    You want to choose a professor who can write a letter that includes specifics about your personal characteristics or accomplishments rather than “glittering generalities.” The more you can answer “yes” to the questions above, the greater the likelihood you’re making a wise choice.

  3. Address the letter properly. Even though this is an e-mail, you want it to look nice. If you were on a first name basis (meaning they specifically asked you to call them by their first name and you did so constantly) address it by their first name. Otherwise use their appropriate title. Let’s pretend we’re writing a letter to Dr. Jones who was your professor for Archeology. Dr. Jones was not on a first name basis with you, so you will start the letter with, “Dear Dr. Jones” followed by a comma or a colon.
  4. Put “Recommendation for [your name]?” as the subject line.
  5. Start the first paragraph by stating what you want: “I am writing to ask if you would be willing to write a letter of recommendation for me.” Don’t keep him or her guessing. In the next few sentences, lay out the facts:
    • Your name
    • Year in school
    • Major
    • Which course or courses you took with this professor, when, and what grade you earned
    • Why you need a recommendation [that is, what you are applying for]
    • When the recommendation letter is due
  6. Outline your relationship with the professor in the following paragraph and point out why you have asked him or her specifically. Tell a little about yourself and why you are interested in the scholarship, graduate program, or job for which you need the reference.
    • You don’t want to use mundane reasons like “I want to work there because they offered the most money” or “I want to go to this school because the degree looks really good on a resume.”
    • Be professional and say something like, “I chose to apply to this museum because I was extremely excited about their tribal artifacts department.”
    • Does this professor have any special connection you are aware of to this company or place of employment? Or if it’s a school, is s/he an alumnus? If so, include it. “I know that several pieces currently on display were acquired by you during your trip to the Amazon. I’m extremely hopeful that I might gain a position in a department with such a well-rounded collection to work with.”
    • If your experience with this professor had any influence on your choice, say so: “I had not considered going into research until I took your cell biology class. That motivated me to get a part-time job in Dr. Jin’s lab and now I’m excited about the possibility of doing stem cell research after grad school.” However, don’t force this if it’s not true.
  7. Use the third paragraph as an opportunity to hint at what you’d like the professor to say about you: You’ll want to include any information about yourself which they may not be aware of. Some subtle ways of letting them know are:
    • “I believe that you’re aware through our conversations and my participation in your course that I’m dedicated to the field of archeology. I’ve completed my degree in Archeology as of June of this year. I was also able to intern at the museum under Dr. Marcus Brody, whom I believe you know. I also have extensive experience in cataloging items gained through my internship.”
    • “My other references will be able to talk about my academic ability, but you are the only one who really knows how hard I worked on my senior thesis and some of the obstacles I faced. I was hoping maybe you could talk about how I handle stress and deal with setbacks, because those are qualities the selection committee wants to see.”
  8. Give them the details. Where does the letter need to go? And when do you need it? You’re already asking them to put themselves out and write the letter for you. Don’t ask them to address it and put postage on it for you, too. You want to be the LEAST amount of trouble, so the professor is not annoyed by having to do work you could have done for them (and SHOULD HAVE).
  9. Plus, this way you can assure yourself that it was sent. If they offer to mail it for you, let them. If they’re like our Dr. Jones, always running around on adventures and forgetting to do things like put items in the mail or grade exams, then tell them that you need or want to present it in person with other letters, or other materials. That way you can be sure you have it. But include this in the e-mail so they know the time frame.
  10. Close with information about how you will follow-up: “I’ll drop off the form and a stamped, addressed envelope in your faculty mailbox this week. I’ll also send you an email reminder a week before the recommendation is due. Thanks again.” Or, “I need to submit the letter of recommendation by August 3rd. If you’re willing to write me a recommendation letter, please let me know and I’d be happy to come by your office any time to pick it up.” THEN FOLLOW UP!! Nothing looks worse than promising to have something to them by a certain date and time, and failing to provide them with needed information. Not only have you now made it more difficult to write you this letter, you’ve left a negative impression in the mind of someone you want to think well of you. Annoying your professor and making them pursue you for needed information right before (s)he sits down to write a letter for you is not a good idea.
  11. Thank them, whether or not they write the letter. “Thank you in advance for your time, and consideration. I also wanted to extend an additional thank you for the time I spent under your instruction. I really enjoyed your course, and I can’t express how much I’ve taken away from Archeology 101.” If they were truly that special teacher, you can be more effusive in your praise. “I know I’ll take the things I’ve learned in that course, and apply them in my life’s work. Your mentorship really had a positive impact in my life, and I can never thank you enough.”
  12. Follow-through as promised by delivering necessary materials and sending a reminder. Follow up the e-mail with a phone call if you haven’t heard anything in a week, two at the most. If you need to call, don’t assume anything. First, see if they’ve even seen your e-mail. If not, be prepared to do your request verbally.
  13. Before the deadline, take responsibility for checking with the scholarship program, graduate school, or prospective employer to verify that the recommendation was received. If not, send a brief, polite email to the professor and offer to pay for overnight delivery.
  14. Thank them again. After you get your letter of recommendation, send a thank you note to the professor. If the recommendation is in the right hands, send the professor a hand-written thank you note via U.S. mail, not via email. It’s not only polite and the right thing to do, but you never know when that will pay benefits down the road. You may need another letter at another time, or if you’re in a similar field, they may be able to assist you at some other time. If the letter does the trick and gets you the position, call the professor to share the good news!


  • To avoid appearing pushy, send a thank you note to the professors a week or two before the due date, that mentions the date in passing, as a reminder instead of DID YOU DO IT YET!?
  • If you need a recommendation on short notice, write a short email asking whether he or she has time to do a one-time favor for you and explain the circumstances. If you get a positive response, write a second, more detailed email.
  • Remember those that help you, and always be willing to repay the favor. An example would be you get that museum job and an summer internship opens up for students. You could call Dr. Jones and let him know so he can make his students aware of the opening.
  • Read it before you send it. Make sure you have no spelling or grammar errors. Have someone else proofread it for you if you’re not a strong writer.
  • Attach your resume or cv to the email, and point out in the email that it is attached for the professor’s reference.
  • Use a pen or ballpoint pen in black to fill out the portion of the forms you might want your professor to use if you have any.
  • Asking for a reference in an email is not a good idea to begin with. You need to ask for it in a proper written format, give them an addressed envelope (stamped of course) and have it ready about 2 months ahead of time.


  • Some professors will take offense to be asked for a letter of recommendation via email. Visiting the professor in office hours, scheduling an appointment, or making a phone call shows that you are willing to give up your time and energy rather than simply writing an email.
  • DO NOT ask to read a copy of the letter before it is sent. It is not appropriate to do this, the idea is that the professor sends an honest evaluation without having to explain him/herself to the student. If you think that the professor may not have the greatest things to say, then ask if they believe that they have the impressions and materials that they need to write a recommendation that WILL benefit you in your goal of…
  • If the professor provides a clue (e.g. an email sent to you prior to a completed letter of recommendation)that his/her recommendation won’t be as favorable as you might like, thank him/her for his consideration and tell him/her that you have located another referee.

Setengah Isi Setengah Kosong (2)

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Balik lagi ke buku “Setengah Isi Setengah Kosong”. Ada cerita yang bener2 bagus buat para ayah yang sibuk dengan kerjaannya. Eeeittsss..tapi bukan berarti cerita ini ga berlaku bagi ibu-ibu atau teman2 yang baca..suatu saat kan kita juga akan menjalani hal yang sama dengan orang tua kita, so keep ur eyes!



ANDRE, seorang anak yang setiap sore selalu menunggu kepulangan ayahnyadari kantor untuk sekedar mengajaknya bermain. Suatu sore, sepulang kerja, sang ayah ditanya oleh Andre, “ Ayah, ayah kerja di kantor dibayar berapa sih sebulan?’

Sembari mengernyitkan dahi si ayah menjawab,”Ya, sekitar Rp 2.500.000,00!”

“Kalau sehari berarti berapa, ya?” sela Andre

Ayah mulai bingung, “Seratus ribu rupiah, ada apa sih? Kok Tanya gaji segala!”

Akan tetapi, Andre tetap bertanya lagi, “Kalau, setengah hari berarti Rp 50.000,00, dong?”

“Iya, memangnya kenapa?” sahut ayah mulai jengkel.

Si anak dengan mantap mengajukan permohonan, “Gini, Yah! Tolong tambahin dong tabungan Andre, Rp 5000,00 saja. Soalnya, Andre punya tabungan sebesar Rp 45.000,00. Rencananya, Andre maumembeli ayah setengah hari saja supaya kita bisa pergi memancing bersama!”




Tuh dah bacakan, kita jangan sampe kena omongan itu oleh anak kita nanti..HIdup mesti balance man!! Jangan Cuma nyari duit aja. Seorang anak juga butuh kasih saying..

Aku jadi keinget cerita tentang adek kelasku di SMA yang minggat beberapa hari dari rumah karena marah orang tuanya kurang perhatian ke dia.

Ya Allah jangan sampe aku nanti kayak gitu..Aaaamiin..

Buat calon istriku yang masih kucari-cari..tolong ingetin aku ya. Jangan sampe aku makan ceritaku sendiri..